Monday, October 12, 2015

Monday Oct. 12th, 2015

Hello parents!, Today we are officially starting Quarter 2, today in class we discussed what quarters meant in the school year and what we should be expecting at the end of a quarter and at beginning of a new one. We have been and will be very busy in class these coming weeks with new materials and assessments. Here is what we did today:

Assembly: Opening remarks of the new quarter and found out what place all the DISK houses are in. Red team is in the lead this week!

Math: Important terms to remember: Tally charts, pictographs, bar graphs, more than, less than, equal to. We will continue to complete bar graphs and other charts this week, as well as review important vocabulary, and next week Tuesday 20th we will have an assessment for Unit 1 which will include basic addition and subtraction as well as making, reading and interpreting graphs. 

Reading & Spelling: The spelling words for this week are compound words, which are two different words put together to make a new one. Keep in mind when practicing with your child that there is no space left between the words:

1. rainbow
2. bedtime
3. bathtub
4. sunset
5. backpack
6. flagpole
7. playpen
8. raincoat
9. goldfish
10. rowboat
11. outdoor
12. outside 

We are still reading Tomas Rivera from our Journeys book, as we will be focusing on individual students reading out loud.

Social Studies: Read "Our Country's Presidents" Learned about George Washington the 1st president of the USA and Thomas Jefferson (3rd president) and Barack Obama, the current and 44th president of the USA. Completed an Activity page from their workbooks. 

Homework: Write 3 sentences with spelling words in your spelling tab. Complete "Bar Graphs- Garden Creatures" work page.

I still have not received all the funds (NT$200) for the Field Trip next week, please send them in with the permission slip, or let me know if your child can not attend.  

As some of you know may know, last year for All Saints Day (This year will be Oct. 30th) students were allowed to put on their costumes for the fashion show, and costumes were according to themes for the classrooms. This year there are no themes so feel free to pick out any costume you would like for your child, as long as it is age appropriate and not scary. 

Thank you all for your support, have a great day,
Ms. L.