Friday, September 18, 2015

Friday, Sept. 18th 2015

Hello parents, this has been a busy Friday! I hope you are all well.

Today we completed our science unit 1 assessment as well as our weekly spelling quiz. Next week I will be sending email with some grades and important information about the quarter exams which will be the week of October 29th-2nd. We will be having exams for all the major subjects as well as the special subjects. I will be sending home study guides by the end of next week for students to review at home with their parents. I will also be contacting parents through your children's assignment book in order to see if we can set up a meeting if needed for a quarter review. Not all students will need this. 

Reminder: Monday we will have Math Chapter 3 assessment (Subtraction) Homework is 4 math worksheets to practice.

Have a great weekend!


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