Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesday Sept. 15th 2015

Hello parents! Hope your having a lovely Tuesday, here is a quick summary of our day:

Mass - 6th and 7th grade hosted mass this morning, the kids behaved wonderfully and they also sang beautifully.Mr. Prudencio is very proud of them!

Math: We continue to complete lessons in Chapter 3 - Subtraction Methods, today we focused on subtracting from numbers 7, 8 and 9. We have also been completing Square Coloring pages, where they solve addition and subtraction problems to color a hidden a picture. 

Students went to the library today to check out new books. This is a great opportunity to log some more reading hours in the Reading Log!  

Social Studies: Completed a Review from our Social Studies book for Unit 1 in our Social Studies notebook. Discussed all our previous lessons and main ideas, to prepare for the assessment they will have tomorrow.

Science: Began Part 1 of our Science Review, will have 2 more days of review as well before the Science Unit 1 Assessment this Friday. 

Science: Finish Review Part 1
Social Studies: Read pages 38 & 39 with a parent

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