Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tuesday, October 13th 2015

Hello parents! Here is what we did today:

Language Arts: Understanding the concept of Nouns, classifying them as person, place or thing. Understanding that the naming part of sentences are made of the main nouns.  We have started Unit 3 today.

Math: Review of question words which indicate whether students should add or subtract when reading a bar graph. "How much more/less..." means you should subtract. When reading "...al together" you should add.

Social Studies: Key question we discussed and should know by now include:
  • What is a president?
  • Who is the president of Taiwan?
  • Who is the president of The United States of America?
  • Where does he live?
  • What is the group of people who help write laws?
  • What is the important paper where they write them?
  • What are borders?
Science: Began Unit 3: Animals! Please make sure your child had a notebook for Science, if they don't please send one in for tomorrow. Today we learned about the differences between living and non living. We learned that living things need water, food and space to survive. We also learned they have to move, change and reproduce.

Homework: Workbook Plus pages 21-22

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