Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Thursday, January 7th, 2016

Hello parents, just some quick reminders:

Family Lunch and Sports Day on Tuesday January 19th, Grade 1 and 2 are in charge of bringing side dishes and salads for the potluck. I have also sent home the information sheet for Lunch Fees this semester, please sign up and send money in envelope with your child's name. Tomorrow is the second Friday of the month and so kids do not have to wear their uniforms, however I recommend they come to school in PE uniform since it is early in the morning and then change into their casual clothes. 

Today in class we...

Language arts: Practiced
 mixing singular and plural nouns with the correct verb form in sentences inside their LA Work Book Plus.

Math: More position words and object finding in grids practice.

Phonics: Review all short vowel sounds, practice long A and long U sounds and words in phonics book. 

Science: We visited our garden and saw our plants progress. We also took he opportunity to drop in some organic materials (orange peels in our garden) and learned about how the organic waste can help give nutrients to the soil and how soil give those nutrients to our crops and plants. We learned that soil is made of small piece of rocks and materials that were once living things (like animals and other plants). 

Garden progress: Our lettuce, cilantro and onions are so big!

Spelling: Tomorrow is spelling quiz, please study!

Enjoy some of our garden pictures!


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