Quick reminders for parents:
- Class funds and Lunch Fees are to be paid this week.
- Students will need 6 A4 Notebooks for class writing, notes and activities, that means 1 for each subject.
- Some students have brought their class materials labeled with their names, but its important to remind them that the material will be part of a communal classroom supply area. They are not to take back their colors or items home as they will all be mixed together for class use. This is important for highlighting sharing and community values within our school, as I had mentioned in the Welcome Letter.
I thank you in advance for your understanding and support.
Hello parents! Today we began our Reading class and talked about the story we read "Let's Go to the Moon!" and discussed the difference between real (non fiction) and not real (fiction) stories. In science we discussed the 5 senses and which body part we use for each, and how they are important. Since it is the first time they will be having a Language Arts class we discussed what that will entail through out the year. They also had their first PE class which the kids were really excited about. Homework for today will be once again in the MPB (Math Practice Book) and a page from their Science book SF (Science Fusion). You can find the information for homework in their Assignment Books. I am attaching our first class picture, hope you enjoy it!