Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday, Sept. 11th 2015

Hello parents! Happy day, it's Friday! :)

Today has been a busy day, we had dance class, computer class and electives! 

For math we talked about what mixed practice is (addition and subtraction sentences together) and we completed our Language Arts quiz, spelling quiz and began a new science review. Next week our own 1st grade students, Jackie and Kevin, will be reading the daily prayers for the week. 

Next week we will be having a Social Studies quiz (which will be an in class project) and we will begin a new unit in Language Arts where we write a story together as a class.  We will also be wrapping up chapter 4 in Math and the assessment is scheduled for Monday September 21st.

Homework for this weekend is the Mixed Practice Math Worksheet that should be in your child's folder and to fill out some time slots in the Reading Log.  

Have a wonderful weekend! I leave you some pictures from today, just being silly in class:
