Sunday, November 29, 2015

Monday, November 30th, 2015

Hello everyone!

First I wanted to thank all the parents for coming and supporting G1 class for Language Festival, I like to think we finished on a good note last Thursday with the song Sugar, the kids were so excited! Also special thanks to all parents who brought snacks and new food to share with everyone, that’s what Thanksgiving is all about!

Today in Grade 1 we:

Math: Learned about corners and sides, compared shapes, colors and sizes and wrote our own problems for finding the hidden shapes!

 Language arts: Copied new spelling words for the spelling quiz this Friday and discussed what they were.

Social Studies: Began discussing Land forms in class (mountains, rivers, islands, valleys, hills, lakes). We will be covering 7 continents, cardinal directions, 5 oceans and all the different landmasses this week in SS class with fun activities and worksheets.

Write each word three times in your spelling tab.
Math MPB 7.3

Spelling Words:

·         Spring
·         Winter
·         Autumn
·         Summer
·         Seeds
·         Leaf
·         Roots
·         Stem
·         Bright
·         Sight
·         Right
·         Night
·         Light
·         Plane


Exam week for second quarter will be December 7th -15th
Minor exams (Health, Christian Living, Art, Computer, Chinese, Music and PE) will be December 7th-11th

Major Exams (Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science and Reading) will be December 14th- 15th they will be half days.

December 16th we are finalizing details for our Q2 Field Trip, as soon as it is approved by Administration I will be sending home all the details. 

December 17th rehearsal for Christmas show in the morning and classroom Christmas parties.

December 18th Christmas mass and show, also a half day

I will be sending home all reviews for Major exams on Monday December 7th. We will be reviewing in class that week for finals. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. 

-Ms. L