Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Wednesday, Sept. 9th 2015

Dear parents, happy mid-week! Here is a recap of our day:

Language Arts: Reviewed for our Language Arts Unit 1 Assessment, we will be completing this on Friday, there is no need to study for this at home, we have been practicing these topics in class, it will include: capital letters, punctuation like periods and question marks, question words like what, when, who, what, why and how, recognizing naming parts and telling parts and differentiating between telling sentences and question sentences. 

Math: We solved word subtraction problems and completed pages in our workbook as well as the math practice book.

Reading: We made lists to review the sounds we know very well, Long e and Short a and introduced a new sound, Short i. We talked about the rules for short vowels (consonant/vowel/consonant words, such as sat) and completed work pages.

Social Studies: Watched videos on continents and oceans, reviewed what it meant to vote and looked back on what it meant to read a map and their legends. 

Science: How do scientist work? Reviewed important vocabulary words such as:
  • investigation
  • observation
  • hypothesis
  • predict
  • conclusions
  • record
  • compare
Homework: Study spelling words and fill in reading log. 

Have a happy Wednesday!
-Ms. L. 

Tuesday Sept. 8th 2015

Hello all, here is what we did today:

Language Arts- Distinction between question statements and telling sentences. Reviewed question words and completed some activity pages in our books.

Math- Subtraction! Understanding wholes and parts.

Social Studies- Further discussing about our world, different cultures and languages. Understanding we come from different places but we are all part of the world. Dividing continents. 

Science: Began a review portion to start to prepare for assessment. Discussed key vocabulary words and answered an Apply Concepts page in our science book.

Homework: Math- MPB 3.1 and 3.2, study spelling words, complete Science worksheet Word Play 

Have a great day!
-Ms. L.