Sunday, May 22, 2016

Monday, May 23rd, 2016

Hello parents!

Happy Monday, congrats to the YELLOW HOUSE for winning the DISK House Dojo Competition for the 2nd semester of this school year! They will be celebrating tomorrow with a pizza party during lunch time!

Important info for this week:

Tomorrow we will be cleaning out classroom and taking home write in books and other things, you may have your child bring an extra bag if their backpack is too small to fit all things. We will also take the day to review for upcoming Major exams on Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday and Thursday dismissal is at 11:45 am. 

Friday: Mario will come visit in the morning as we will be having some outside sports competitions and again students can bring something from home for a show and tell session in the morning.
I will be getting pizza fur the students for lunch, and if they would like to bring snacks to share with each other they are welcome to as well, we will be eating together in our classroom as a "last day of school" party. Mia's birthday party will also be held that day, so kids are very excited. No uniforms either on Friday! Any casual dress you'd like to wear is ok. Maybe bring an extra shirt if we get sweaty playing outside.  Dismissal is at 4:00 pm.

Studying for exams will be the only homework kids will have until the end of exams.