Sunday, February 14, 2016

Science Fair Rubric

Dominican International Science Fair Scoring Sheet

Student Name(s):
Project Title:


 (0 pts)
(1 pt)
(2 pts)
(3 pts)
Appearance of Project:
     Is the board well organized?

     Is the text easy to read and the headings and
     title easily visible?

     Did they use appropriate graphics, images,        
     models  or demonstrations to help make their   
     ideas clear?

Did the group explain why their project is
     important and interesting?

Did the group suggest an answer to their

     Did they explain why they think so?

    Did they use background research to help form        
     their hypothesis?

Are all the materials for the experiment listed?
    (Did they list quantities?)

Are the steps of the experiment clear? 

Data (quantitative and or qualitative):
 Is the data presented clearly (In tables, charts,
    graphs, photos, etc)?

Did they make observations about their data?

Did they explain their observations clearly?

Did they say if their hypothesis was correct or    

Did they try to explain why or why not?

  Did they talk about possibility for future
     experiments (*extra credit for Grade 1-3)

Oral Presentation:
Were the students able to talk about their

      Were they able to answer questions?

Judge’s comments to the student:

Monday, February 15th, 2016

Dear parents! Hope you had a wonderful Chinese New Year holiday and got to spend time with families and loved ones,  we are back and here  is what Grade 1 was up to today:

Spelling words for this week: stars, sun, moon, space, shadow, title, writer, something, nothing, people, long, short, painter, letter, start, finish. Quiz on Friday!

Math: Understanding probabilities and reviewing fractions. Tomorrow we will have a math assessment for chapter 9.

Social Studies: Understanding when we have problems and different strategies we can use to help find solutions in groups. Completed exercises in our activity pages as well.

We will have a Science Assessment on Unit 7: Weather and Seasons this Thursday February 18th. Also I kindly remind you to send in the Science Fair Letter sometime this week . Please read and review it with your child, as well as sign it. I will be sending home rubric and posting it on here. 

Math: MPB 9.5 , 9.6 and Quick Check worksheet.

Chinese New Years Celebration!

  • Chinese New Years Celebration!