Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Wednesday, November 4th, 2015

Hello everyone! Recap of our day:

Language arts: We reviewed on nouns, regular vs. proper and introduce new rules when using "I" to refer to oneself. It must always be spelled in capital letter and stated last when naming other people.

Reading: We read our new story: "Little Rabbits Tale" which is a different version of Chicken Little (The Sky is Falling!) We also completed pages on our Journeys PB  where we practiced telling personal narratives using First, Next and Last as references.

Social Studies: Understanding citizens and what role they play in communities, such as patriotism, kindness, responsibility, respect, incentives and  citizenship. Reviewed the terms fiction vs. nonfiction.

Science: Unit 3 Assessment Animals!

Homework: MPB 5.3 and 5.4 (Math addition review before starting Chapter 6 Subtraction Strategies)

Have a wonderful day!

-Ms. L

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